Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 0382 987667

Location: Pavia

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Thermal, spectroscopic and structural characterization of different solid phases of drugs and their interconversions.

Drug-excipient compatibility.

Cyclodextrin-guest inclusion compounds: studies of the complexation reactions, composition, hydration level, structure and stability of solid phase complexes.



Chimica Fisica (LM Farmacia, Univ. Pavia)

Chimica Fisica dei Sistemi Dispersi (Master in Scienze Cosmetologiche, Univ. Pavia)


Curriculum Vitae

1989: Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, at the University of Pavia (110cum laude/110). Title: "Forma di dosaggio ad unità multiple per il rilascio modificato di farmaci".

1990: Degree in Pharmacy, at the University of Pavia (110/110). Title: " La tecnologia di estrusione-sferonizzazione nella preparazione di forme farmaceutiche a rilascio modificato".

1990: Scholarship from POLI (Quinto de Stampi, MI) on: "Characterization and stability of crystalline forms of drugs".

1991-1994: PhD (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Pavia. Title: "Study of natural and sintetic polymers as adiuvants in the pharmaceutical formulation".

1994-present: Researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Pavia, Dept. of Physical Chemistry.



New Findings on the Crystal Polymorphism of Imepitoin

- Giovanna Bruni - Doretta Capsoni - Pellegrini A. - Altomare A. - Coduri M. - Ferrara C. - Galinetto P. - Molteni R.

Surface Properties of a Biocompatible Thermoplastic Polyurethane and Its Anti-Adhesive Effect against E. coli and S. aureus

- Restivo E. - Peluso E. - Bloise N. - Bello G.L. - Giovanna Bruni - Giannaccari M. - Raiteri R. - Fassina L. - Visai L.
Journal of Functional Biomaterials

Investigation on Electrospun and Solvent-Casted PCL-PLGA Blends Scaffolds Embedded with Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Tissue Engineering

- Rosalia M. - Giacomini M. - Tottoli E.M. - Dorati R. - Giovanna Bruni - Genta I. - Chiesa E. - Pisani S. - Sampaolesi M. - Conti B.

Hybrid 3D-Printed and Electrospun Scaffolds Loaded with Dexamethasone for Soft Tissue Applications

- Pisani S. - Mauri V. - Negrello E. - Friuli V. - Genta I. - Dorati R. - Giovanna Bruni - Marconi S. - Auricchio F. - Pietrabissa A. - Benazzo M. - Conti B.

Electrospun Fibers Loaded with Pirfenidone: An Innovative Approach for Scar Modulation in Complex Wounds

- Tottoli E.M. - Benedetti L. - Riva F. - Chiesa E. - Pisani S. - Giovanna Bruni - Genta I. - Conti B. - Ceccarelli G. - Dorati R.

The Stabilization of CsPbI3−xBrx Phase by Lowering Annealing Temperature for Efficient All-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells

- Montecucco R. - Pica G. - Romano V. - De Boni F. - Cavalli S. - Giovanna Bruni - Quadrivi E. - De Bastiani M. - Prato M. - Po R. - Grancini G.
Solar RRL

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