Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 0382 987213

Location: Pavia

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Synthesis and structural and physico-chemical characterization of adsorbent materials and composites, applied to i) enhance solubility and dissolution rate of poorly soluble drugs and ii) remove emerging pollutants from wastewaters.

Synthesis and structural, physico-chemical and electrochemical characterization of electrode materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries


Chimica Fisica e laboratorio (LT Chimica, Univ. Pavia)

Introduzione alla scienza dei materiali con laboratorio (LT Chimica, Univ. Pavia)

Chimica Fisica III (LM Chimica, Univ. Pavia)

Cinetica e spettroscopia per le biotecnologie (LM Biotecnologie Avanzate, Univ. Pavia)

Chimica dei materiali tradizionali e innovativi per l’edilizia (LT Tecnologie Digitali per le Costruzioni, l’Ambiente e il Territorio, Univ. Pavia)

Tecniche di diffrazione avanzate per la caratterizzazione strutturale dei materiali (Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Chimiche e Farmaceutiche e Innovazione Industriale, Univ. Pavia)

Curriculum Vitae

1987: Degree in Chemistry at the University of Pavia, Dep. of Physical Chemistry (110/110). Thesis title: "Rietveld method’s reliability: anhydrous and hydrated phases of Na-ß" gallate compound".

1992: PhD in Chemical Science at the University of Pavia. Title: "Stoichiometry, equilibrium defects and structural refinement of mixed oxides of LixNi1-xO type". Advisor Prof. V. Massarotti (University of Pavia).

1992-2015: Researcher at the Dept. of Physical Chemistry of the University of Pavia. 2015-present: Associate Professor at the Dept. of Chemistry - Physical Chemistry Section - of the University of Pavia.





Unraveling the Role of Structural Topology on Chirality Transfer and Chiroptical Properties in Chiral Germanium Iodides

- Coccia C. - Moroni M. - Treglia A. - Boiocchi M. - Yang Y. - Chiara Milanese - Morana M. - Doretta Capsoni - Porta A. - Petrozza A. - Stroppa A. - Malavasi L.
Journal of the American Chemical Society

New Findings on the Crystal Polymorphism of Imepitoin

- Giovanna Bruni - Doretta Capsoni - Pellegrini A. - Altomare A. - Coduri M. - Ferrara C. - Galinetto P. - Molteni R.

Zaltoprofen-layered double hydroxide hybrids to enhance zaltoprofen solubility and dissolution rate

- Maggi L. - Giovanna Bruni - Ferrara C. - Puscalau C. - Quinzeni I. - Friuli V. - Monteforte F. - Doretta Capsoni
Applied Clay Science

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