Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.


Characterization of a Lab-on-Chip for Dual Analyte Assay in Space Missions

- Nardi L. - Davis N.M. - Abbasrezaee P. - de Albuquerque T.B. - Lovecchio N. - Caputo D. - de Cesare G. - Pour S.R.S. - Zangheri M. - Emamiamin A. - Calabria D. - Guardigli M. - Balsamo M. - Carrubba E. - Carubia F. - Ceccarelli M. - Ghiozzi M. - Popova L. - Tenaglia A. - Crisconio M. - Alessandro Donati - Nascetti A. - Mirasoli M.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

On-Chip Micro-incubator for Studying Cell Cultures in Space

- Davis N.M. - Nardi L. - Abbasrezae P. - De Albuquerque T.B. - Caputo D. - Lovecchio N. - Costantini F. - de Cesare G. - Calabria D. - Zangheri M. - Pace A. - Lazzarini E. - Calabretta M.M. - Guardigli M. - Michelini E. - Lorenzini F. - Popova L. - Balsamo M. - Martella C.M. - Di Stefano G. - Jonker D. - Alessandro Donati - Billi D. - Gardeniers H. - Caselle M. - Mirasoli M. - Nascetti A.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

First seroprevalence study of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection in blood donors after the upsurge of West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease (WNND) cases in southern Italy in 2023

- Centrone F. - Procacci R. - Melilli R. - Orlando V.A. - Colella V. - Loconsole D. - Amendola A. - Venturi G. - Ostuni A. - Maria Chironna
BMC infectious diseases

Expanding the Molecular Switches Toolbox: Photoreloadable Dithienylethene Mechanophores

- Medeina Steponaviciute - Majee D. - Zhao B. - Ungur L. - Presolski S.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition

Superior performance lithium-ion battery anode based on Co9S8 nanoparticles layered in-situ growth with capacitive synergy

- Wang S. - Zhou H. - Wei H. - Wang H. - Xie H. - Xu Z. - Ni D. - Li C. - Paolo Bollella - Li J. - Zhang X.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Structural and Transport Properties of Thin InAs Layers Grown on InxAl1−xAs Metamorphic Buffers

- Senesi G. - Skibinska K. - Paghi A. - Shukla G. - Giazotto F. - Fabio Beltram - Heun S. - Sorba L.

The physico-chemical landscape of extracellular vesicles

- Manno M. - Bongiovanni A. - Margolis L. - Paolo Bergese - Arosio P.
Nature Reviews Bioengineering

Revealing the Potential of a Chimaera: a Peptide-Peptide Nucleic Acid Molecule Designed To Interact with the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein

- Tino A.S. - Quagliata M. - Schiavina M. - Pacini L. - Anna Maria Papini - Felli I.C. - Pierattelli R.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition

GDF15 Analogues Acting as GFRAL Ligands

- Di Santo A. - Tarchi L. - Villa G. - Castellini G. - Ricca V. - Squecco R. - Anna Maria Papini - Real-Fernandez F. - Rovero P.

Balancing biomonitoring and conservation: A non-lethal method to extract microplastics from the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum

- Morais L.M.S. - Akim V. - Aviz D. - David Chelazzi - Alessandra Cincinelli - Sforzi L. - Giarrizzo T. - Martinelli Filho J.E.
Marine Pollution Bulletin

Extracellular vesicles-derived miR-21 as a biomarker for early diagnosis and tumor activity in breast cancer subtypes

- Omarini C. - Catani V. - Mastrolia I. - Toss A. - Banchelli F. - Isca C. - Medici D. - Ponzoni O. - Marco Brucale - Francesco Valle - Baschieri M.C. - D’Amico R. - Masciale V. - Chiavelli C. - Caggia F. - Bortolotti C.A. - Piacentini F. - Dominici M.
Biomarker Research

A universal label for the detection of PCR amplicons based on gold nanorods

- Borri C. - Ratto F. - Castronovo L.M. - Bogani P. - Simona Scarano - Maria Minunni - Centi S.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research

Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound induces multifaced alterations in chromosome segregation, cytoskeletal filaments and cell junctions

- Udroiu I. - Todaro F. - Vitaliti A. - Palmieri D. - Guida E. - Perilli G. - Duranti L. - D’Ottavi C. - Mattei M. - Dolci S. - Gaio Paradossi - Bedini A. - Silvestri I. - Sgura A. - Domenici F.
Scientific Reports

Abstractness impacts conversational dynamics

- Claudia Mazzuca - Villani C. - Lamarra T. - Bolognesi M.M. - Borghi A.M.

Molecular Origin of Slippery Behavior in Tethered Liquid Layers

- Rasera F. - Gresham I.J. - Tinti A. - Chiara Neto - Giacomello A.
ACS Nano

Waste-minimized access to diarylamines and triarylamines via Csp2-N coupling under batch and flow conditions

- Brufani G. - Chen S. - Tiberi M.T. - Filippo Campana - Paone E. - Gu Y. - Mauriello F. - Luigi Vaccaro
Green Chemistry

A Comparison Between the Residual Stresses of Ti6Al4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

- Aversa A. - Alessandro Carrozza - Mercurio V. - Calignano F. - Sereda O. - Pejchal V. - Lombardi M.

Sticking of magnetite nanoparticles coated with dopamine and polydopamine on gold substrates

- Corsini M. - Giuseppe Di florio - Polvani A. - Toth J. - Andrea Atrei
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects


- Anna Maria Papini
Current Protein and Peptide Science

A Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Based Porous Silicon Optical Sensor for Quercetin Detection in Wines

- Di Giulio T. - Asif I.M. - Corsi M. - Rajpal S. - Mizaikoff B. - Nicoletta Ditaranto - De Benedetto G.E. - Malitesta C. - Barillaro G. - Mazzotta E.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Qualitative and relative abundance analysis of Alternaria alternata metabolites in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars affected by Heart Rot using UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS

- Riolo M. - Luz C. - Bua C. - Barreca S. - Tambè M.C. - Calpe J. - Masi M. - Cimmino A. - Tirrò G. - Meca G. - Ezra D. - Santa Olga Cacciola
Food Control

X-ray crystallographic and kinetic studies of biguanide containing aryl sulfonamides as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

- Baroni C. - Murat Bozdag - Renzi G. - De Luca V. - Clemente Capasso - Bazzicalupi C. - Selleri S. - Ferraroni M. - Carta F. - Supuran C.T.
RSC Medicinal Chemistry

Emergence of Capillary Waves in Miscible Coflowing Fluids

- Carbonaro A. - Savorana G. - Luca Cipelletti - Govindarajan R. - Truzzolillo D.
Physical Review Letters

From individual to equimolar binary transition metal diborides: The case of (Nb0.5M0.5)B2, M=Ti, Hf

- Cappai L. - Casu M. - Antonio Locci - Giacomo Cao - Garroni S. - Cannillo V. - Bellucci D. - Roberto Orrù
Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Variational multiscale evolve and filter strategies for convection-dominated flows

- Strazzullo M. - Francesco Ballarin - Iliescu T. - Rebollo T.C.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Economic Impact of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Children Under 5 Years of Age Attending Primary Care in Italy: A Prospective Cohort Study in Two Regions

- Sankatsing V. . - van Summeren J. - Abreha F. - Pandolfi E. - Maria Chironna - Loconsole D. - Kramer R. - Paget J. - Rizzo C.
Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses

FreshWater Watch: Investigating the Health of Freshwater Ecosystems, from the Bottom Up

- Bishop I. - Boldrini A. - Clymans W. - Hall C. - Moorhouse H. - Parkinson S. - Scott-Somme K. - Thornhill I. - Steven Arthur Loiselle
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice

BRAT1 - a new therapeutic target for glioblastoma

- Haydo A. - Schmidt J. - Crider A. - Kögler T. - Ertl J. - Hehlgans S. - Hoffmann M.E. - Rathore R. - Güllülü Ö. - Wang Y. - Zhang X. - Herold-Mende C. - Francesco Pampaloni - Tegeder I. - Dikic I. - Dai M. - Rödel F. - Kögel D. - Linder B.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS

Reusing CO2 for the sustainable development of several new technologies

- Garrido Sanchis A. - Barry William Ninham - Taseidifar M. - Pashley R.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Enhancing stability: The protective role of nanodiamonds against biodegradation in cellulose ethers dispersions

- Palmieri E. - Alabiso A. - Migliore L. - Claudia Mazzuca - Tamburri E. - Guglielmotti V. - Orlanducci S.
Polymer Degradation and Stability

Multiphase boiling models of propane in a horizontal pipe: Application of CFD techniques

- Giunti L. - Gigliotti F. - Giacomelli F. - Lorenzo Talluri - Milazzo A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series