Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 070 6755079

Location: Cagliari

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Modeling and simulation of chemical, mechanochemical and biochemical reactions. Combustion chemistry. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Bioengineering and biotechnology with a particular focus on the microalgae based technology.


Safety and Environmental Chemical Engineering with Project Design. (5th year of the Degree in Chemical Engineerign and Biotechnological Process at the University of Cagliari – 120 CFU)

Curriculum Vitae

Alessandro Concas got his Master Degree (cum laude) in Environmental Engineering in 1999 and his PhD in Geoengineering in 2003 both at the University of Cagliari. From January 2003 to October 2021, he worked as a researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4). From November 2021 he is associate professor at the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Cagliari. From July 2022 he is also appointed Director of the Interdepartmental Centre for Engineering and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cagliari. He has been involved, also as scientific responsible, in several projects sponsored by European Community, MUR, Sardinian Regional Authorities, and by national and international industries. In 2008 he has been co-founder of the spin-off Biomedical Tissues. From 2019 he is Associate Editor of the journal BMC-Biotechnology (Springer Nature group), I.F. 2.6 and from 2020 he is editorial member of Methods and Protocols (MDPI). He also acts as a reviewer for several international journals in the field of environmental, chemical and biological engineering. From 2013 he is member of the teaching staff of the International PhD school in Environmental Science and Engineering and from 2015 also in Science and Technology for the Innovation at the University of Cagliari. He is coauthor of about 100 papers published in international or national journals or conference proceedings: Finally he authored 2 books and 9 patents





Novel experimental and theoretical study on the synthesis and use of microalgae-derived silver nanomaterials for water purification

- Sidorowicz A. - Atzori F. - Zedda F. - Fais G. - Loy F. - Licheri R. - Nicola Lai - Desogus F. - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro Concas
Journal of Water Process Engineering

Impact of low-dose X-ray radiation on the lipidome of Chlorella vulgaris

- Casula M. - Fais G. - Dessì D. - Manis C. - Bernardini A. - Verseux C. - Fanti V. - Pierluigi Caboni - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro Concas
Algal Research

Mixotrophic Cultivation of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) under Salt Stress: Effect on Biomass Composition, FAME Profile and Phycocyanin Content

- Russo N.P. - Ballotta M. - Usai L. - Torre S. - Giordano M. - Fais G. - Casula M. - Dessì D. - Nieri P. - Damergi E. - Lutzu G.A. - Alessandro Concas
Marine drugs

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