Position: Permanent Staff
Email: roberto.orru@dimcm.unica.it
Phone: +39 070 675 507
Location: Cagliari
From individual to equimolar binary transition metal diborides: The case of (Nb
Cytotoxic Effects of ZnO and Ag Nanoparticles Synthesized in Microalgae Extracts on PC12 Cells
- Fais G. - Sidorowicz A. - Perra G. - Dessì D. - Loy F. - Nicola Lai - Follesa P. - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro ConcasCorrigendum to “Dense nanocrystalline W alloys: Enhancement of hardness andthermal stability by Al addition” [International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Volume 112, April 2023, 106150] (International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2023) 112, (S0263436823000501), (10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2023.106150))
- Torre F. - Huminiuc T. - Barra P. - Pilloni L. - Polcar T. - Rinaldi A. - Francesco Delogu - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Antonio LocciThird-Generation CALPHAD Modeling of Elemental Nb and Zr and Partial Re-Assessment of Their Binary Phase Diagram
- Traversari G. - Casu M. - Roberto Orrù - Alberto Cincotti - Alessandro Concas - Giacomo Cao - Antonio LocciComprehensive Mechanistic Modelling of Non-isothermal CO2 Adsorption in Fixed Packed Bed
- Zedda F. - Casu M. - Atzori F. - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro ConcasOptimization of Brilliant Blue R photocatalytic degradation by silver nanoparticles synthesized using Chlorella vulgaris
- Sidorowicz A. - Fais G. - Desogus F. - Loy F. - Licheri R. - Nicola Lai - Antonio Locci - Alberto Cincotti - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro Concas Processing and characterization of Ultra High Temperature High‐Entropy (Ti
Correction to: High-Entropy Diborides—Silicon Carbide Composites by Reactive and Non-Reactive Spark Plasma Sintering: A Comparative Study (Materials, (2024), 17, 3, (718), 10.3390/ma17030718)
- Pakhomova E. - Giacomo Cao - Roberto Orrù - Garroni S. - Ferro P. - Licheri R. Processing and optical behavior of dense (Hf,Zr)B
High-Entropy Diborides—Silicon Carbide Composites by Reactive and Non-Reactive Spark Plasma Sintering: A Comparative Study
- Pakhomova E. - Giacomo Cao - Roberto Orrù - Garroni S. - Ferro P. - Licheri R.Consorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)