Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 070 6755077

Location: Cagliari

Fields of Interest and Expertise




Curriculum Vitae






From individual to equimolar binary transition metal diborides: The case of (Nb0.5M0.5)B2, M=Ti, Hf

- Cappai L. - Casu M. - Antonio Locci - Giacomo Cao - Garroni S. - Cannillo V. - Bellucci D. - Roberto Orrù
Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Processing and optical behavior of dense (Hf,Zr)B2 solid solutions for solar energy receivers

- Barbarossa S. - Antonio Locci - Giacomo Cao - Garroni S. - Balbo A. - Zanotto F. - Sani E. - Roberto Orrù
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Nanoparticles from Microalgae and Their Biomedical Applications

- Sidorowicz A. - Fais G. - Casula M. - Borselli M. - Giannaccare G. - Antonio Locci - Nicola Lai - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro Concas
Marine Drugs

Dense nanocrystalline W alloys: Enhancement of hardness and thermal stability by Al addition

- Torre F. - Huminiuc T. - Barra P. - Pilloni L. - Polcar T. - Rinaldi A. - Francesco Delogu - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Antonio Locci
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials

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