Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 0382987863

Location: Pavia

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Food analyses Chromatographic techniques Food ingredient development Bioaccessibility studies Food ingredient stability studies.


Dietetics (Pharmacy degree)

Food Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology degree and Dietetics degree)

Food Biotechnology (Advanved Biotechnology degree)

Food and cosmetics (Master degree -Level II “Cosmetic Sciences”)

Food supplement and Foods for Special Medical Purpose (Pharmacy and Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies Degree)

Minor Food Components Chemistry (Master degree -Level II “Nutraceutical Products: design, formulation development, and marketing control”).

Curriculum Vitae

1994: Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies at the University of Pavia. Thesis on “Thermally induced degradation of vegetable oils”

1998: Post-lauream degree in Industrial Pharmacy at the University of Pavia. Thesis on “Antioxidant and anti-caries properties of coffee beverage”

2001: Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Pavia. Thesis on “Antioxidant properties of natural compounds present in food vegetables”

2001: Degree of Higher Education postgraduate released from the University of Pavia and the Institute of Higher Education

2001-2005: Post-Doc fellowship at the Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia on “In vitro ed ex vivo antioxidant activity of natural organic substances present in Mediterranean diet vegetables (Cichorium intybus)

2005-2006: Post-Doc fellowship at the Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia on “Isolation and biological and chemico-physical characterization of food components useful for caries prevention”

2006: Researcher at the Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia 2018: Associate Professor at the Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia.





Virucidal potential of oleuropein identified in Castana sativa shell: insight from in vitro and in silico studies

- Nouira F. - Altayb H. - Gharbi D. - Bouazizi R. - Ilaria Frosi - Chaieb K. - Adele Papetti - Bouslama L.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research

A novel sodium caseinate lipid-based auto-emulsifying delivery system to increase resveratrol intestinal permeation: Characterization and in vitro assessment

- Fratter A. - Cignarella A. - Ramaschi G.E. - Adele Papetti - Pellicorio V. - Chiara Milanese - Casettari L. - Bolego C.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Food protein digestion by in vitro static approaches

- Colombo R. - Ilaria Frosi - Adele Papetti
Protein Digestion-Derived Peptides: Chemistry, Bioactivity, and Health Effects

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