Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Francesco Pampaloni

Associated Staff @ European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg

Personal information

Position: Associated Staff



Location: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg

Fields of Interest and Expertise




Curriculum Vitae






Gravitational forces and matrix stiffness modulate the invasiveness of breast cancer cells in bioprinted spheroids

- Breideband L. - Wächtershäuser K.N. - Sarkar R. - Puspathasan M. - Stelzer E.H.K. - Francesco Pampaloni
Materials Today Bio

BRAT1 - a new therapeutic target for glioblastoma

- Haydo A. - Schmidt J. - Crider A. - Kögler T. - Ertl J. - Hehlgans S. - Hoffmann M.E. - Rathore R. - Güllülü Ö. - Wang Y. - Zhang X. - Herold-Mende C. - Francesco Pampaloni - Tegeder I. - Dikic I. - Dai M. - Rödel F. - Kögel D. - Linder B.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS

Exploring human pancreatic organoid modelling through single-cell RNA sequencing analysis

- Cherubini A. - Rusconi F. - Piras R. - Wächtershäuser K.N. - Dossena M. - Barilani M. - Mei C. - Hof L. - Sordi V. - Francesco Pampaloni - Dolo V. - Piemonti L. - Lazzari L.
Communications Biology

A Small Guide on How to Mount a Sample in a Light-Sheet Microscope

- Francesco Pampaloni - Lachica E. - Paysan J. - Reynaud E.G.
Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

How to obtain an integrated picture of the molecular networks involved in adaptation to microgravity in different biological systems?

- Willis C.R.G. - Calvaruso M. - Angeloni D. - Baatout S. - Benchoua A. - Bereiter-Hahn J. - Bottai D. - Buchheim J.I. - Carnero-Diaz E. - Castiglioni S. - Cavalieri D. - Ceccarelli G. - Chouker A. - Cialdai F. - Ciofani G. - Coppola G. - Cusella G. - Degl’Innocenti A. - Desaphy J.F. - Frippiat J.P. - Gelinsky M. - Genchi G. - Grano M. - Grimm D. - Guignandon A. - Herranz R. - Hellweg C. - Iorio C.S. - Karapantsios T. - van Loon J. - Lulli M. - Maier J. - Malda J. - Mamaca E. - Morbidelli L. - Osterman A. - Ovsianikov A. - Francesco Pampaloni - Pavezlorie E. - Pereda-Campos V. - Przybyla C. - Rettberg P. - Rizzo A.M. - Robson-Brown K. - Rossi L. - Russo G. - Salvetti A. - Risaliti C. - Santucci D. - Sperl M. - Tabury K. - Tavella S. - Thielemann C. - Willaert R. - Monici M. - Szewczyk N.J.
npj Microgravity

How are cell and tissue structure and function influenced by gravity and what are the gravity perception mechanisms?

- Davis T. - Tabury K. - Zhu S. - Angeloni D. - Baatout S. - Benchoua A. - Bereiter-Hahn J. - Bottai D. - Buchheim J.I. - Calvaruso M. - Carnero-Diaz E. - Castiglioni S. - Cavalieri D. - Ceccarelli G. - Choukér A. - Cialdai F. - Ciofani G. - Coppola G. - Cusella G. - Degl’Innocenti A. - Desaphy J.F. - Frippiat J.P. - Gelinsky M. - Genchi G. - Grano M. - Grimm D. - Guignandon A. - Hahn C. - Hatton J. - Herranz R. - Hellweg C.E. - Iorio C.S. - Karapantsios T. - van Loon J.J.W.A. - Lulli M. - Maier J. - Malda J. - Mamaca E. - Morbidelli L. - van Ombergen A. - Osterman A. - Ovsianikov A. - Francesco Pampaloni - Pavezlorie E. - Pereda-Campos V. - Przybyla C. - Puhl C. - Rettberg P. - Rizzo A.M. - Robson-Brown K. - Rossi L. - Russo G. - Salvetti A. - Santucci D. - Sperl M. - Tavella S. - Thielemann C. - Willaert R. - Szewczyk N. - Monici M.
npj Microgravity

LUBAC-mediated M1 Ub regulates necroptosis by segregating the cellular distribution of active MLKL

- Weinelt N. - Wächtershäuser K.N. - Celik G. - Jeiler B. - Gollin I. - Zein L. - Smith S. - Andrieux G. - Das T. - Roedig J. - Feist L. - Rotter B. - Boerries M. - Francesco Pampaloni - van Wijk S.J.L.
Cell Death and Disease

Light Sheet-Based Laser Patterning Bioprinting Produces Long-Term Viable Full-Thickness Skin Constructs

- Hafa L. - Breideband L. - Ramirez Posada L. - Torras N. - Martinez E. - Stelzer E.H.K. - Francesco Pampaloni
Advanced Materials

How do gravity alterations affect animal and human systems at a cellular/tissue level?

- Cialdai F. - Brown A.M. - Baumann C.W. - Angeloni D. - Baatout S. - Benchoua A. - Bereiter-Hahn J. - Bottai D. - Buchheim J.I. - Calvaruso M. - Carnero-Diaz E. - Castiglioni S. - Cavalieri D. - Ceccarelli G. - Choukér A. - Ciofani G. - Coppola G. - Cusella G. - Degl’Innocenti A. - Desaphy J.F. - Frippiat J.P. - Gelinsky M. - Genchi G. - Grano M. - Grimm D. - Guignandon A. - Hahn C. - Hatton J. - Herranz R. - Hellweg C.E. - Iorio C.S. - Karapantsios T. - van Loon J. - Lulli M. - Maier J. - Malda J. - Mamaca E. - Morbidelli L. - van Ombergen A. - Osterman A. - Ovsianikov A. - Francesco Pampaloni - Pavezlorie E. - Pereda-Campos V. - Przybyla C. - Puhl C. - Rettberg P. - Risaliti C. - Rizzo A.M. - Robson-Brown K. - Rossi L. - Russo G. - Salvetti A. - Santucci D. - Sperl M. - Strollo F. - Tabury K. - Tavella S. - Thielemann C. - Willaert R. - Szewczyk N.J. - Monici M.
npj Microgravity

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