Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 070675505

Location: Cagliari

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Nanostructured Alloys.

Structural characterization.

Thermodynamic Modelling


Materials and techniques for the Restoration and for Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari

Chemistry and Engineering materials, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari

Curriculum Vitae

2009: PhD in Materials Engineering at the University of Bologna. Thesis title " New concept on porosity appraisal in ancient and modern construction materials"

2012 - present: researcher (Assistant Professor) at University of Cagliari 

2017: National Academic Qualification ans Associate Professor



2010: Winner of the AIMAT prize as best PhD thesis, Capovaticano




Nanoporous Au Behavior in Methyl Orange Solutions

- Pinna A. - Giorgio Pia - Melis N. - Prato M. - Cutrufello M.G. - Sogne E. - Falqui A. - Pilia L.

Kinetics of Grain Size Reduction in Minerals Undergoing Ball Milling

- Sanna A.L. - Giorgio Pia - Francesco Delogu
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals

An Updated Review: Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) Chemistry and Its Diverse Applications

- Shoukat R. - Cappai M. - Giorgio Pia - Pilia L.
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

Degradation phenomena of Templo Pintado painted plasters

- Cappai M. - Francesco Delogu - Pozzi-Escot D. - Pacheco Neyra G. - Meloni P. - Giorgio Pia
Construction and Building Materials

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