Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: PhD Students


Phone: 0577 234523

Location: Siena

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Computational methodologies for the design of new materials for energy production.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of systems for energy production.

Curriculum Vitae

July 2013: Classic-Oriented High School Certificate(Maturità Classica), at Convitto Nazionale “P. Colletta” of Avellino.

December 2016: Bachelor Degree in “Scienze Chimiche” L-27, at “University of Siena”. Physical Chemistry thesis (CHIM02), title “Valutazione dell’impatto ambientale del fotovoltaico innovativo di ultima generazione: le celle a perovskite”, supervisor: prof. Riccardo Basosi.

November 2017- February 2018: Stage in Computational Chemistry, title: “Design and characterization by using computational methodologies of new materials for energy production”, at “University of Siena”.

October 2018: Master Degree in “Chemistry” LM-54, at “University of Siena”, with evaluation 110/110 cum laude. Master thesis in Organic Chemistry (CHIM06), title: “Design of novel organic hole transport materials for efficient perovskite solar cells”, supervisor: prof. Adalgisa Sinicropi.

From October 2018: “Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” PhD Student at “University of Siena”, tutor: prof. Adalgisa Sinicropi.

December 2018- November 2019: Early-stage researcherwithin the EU Project “–ESPRESSO - Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules”, at “The Center for Colloid and Surface Science (CSGI)”.



In Silico Study of a Bacteriorhodopsin/TiO2 Hybrid System at the Molecular Level

- Avelar M. - Carmen Coppola - d’Ettorre A. - Ienco A. - Maria Laura Parisi - Riccardo Basosi - Santucci A. - Olivucci M. - Adalgisa Sinicropi
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

Synthesis, characterization and application of quinoxaline-based organic dyes as anodic sensitizers in photoelectrochemical cells

- Yzeiri X. - Sangiorgi N. - Gambassi F. - Barbieri A. - Calamante M. - Franchi D. - Carmen Coppola - Adalgisa Sinicropi - Ventura B. - Mordini A. - Sanson A. - Zani L.
Dyes and Pigments

Green Light-Responsive D-π-A-π-D Quinoxaline Emitters for Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Potential Integration in Agrivoltaic Systems

- Goti G. - Reginato G. - Carmen Coppola - Dessì A. - Franchi D. - Mordini A. - Picchi A. - Pucci A. - Adalgisa Sinicropi - Zani L. - Calamante M.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry

Orange/Red Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene 1,1,5,5-Tetraoxide-Based Emitters for Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Effect of Structures on Fluorescence Properties and Device Performances

- Bartolini M. - Micheletti C. - Picchi A. - Carmen Coppola - Adalgisa Sinicropi - Di Donato M. - Foggi P. - Mordini A. - Reginato G. - Pucci A. - Zani L. - Calamante M.
ACS Applied Energy Materials

Stable Methylammonium-Free p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells and Mini-Modules with Phenothiazine Dimers as Hole Transporting Materials

- Castriotta L.A. - Infantino R. - Vesce L. - Stefanelli M. - Dessì A. - Carmen Coppola - Calamante M. - Reginato G. - Mordini A. - Adalgisa Sinicropi - Di Carlo A. - Zani L.
Energy and Environmental Materials

Luminescent solar concentrators with outstanding optical properties by employment of D-A-D quinoxaline fluorophores

- Papucci C. - Charaf R. - Carmen Coppola - Adalgisa Sinicropi - Di Donato M. - Taddei M. - Foggi P. - Battisti A. - De Jong B. - Zani L. - Mordini A. - Pucci A. - Calamante M. - Reginato G.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C

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