Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 075 5855583

Location: Perugia


Fields of Interest and Expertise








Curriculum Vitae









Exploring phosphorene-protein interactions: An integrated computational and spectroscopic investigation

- Rinaldi S. - Malina Grigoras A. - Caporali M. - Serrano-Ruiz M. - Peruzzini M. - Ienco A. - Loredana Latterini

Development of MOF-Pigment Hybrids to Implement a Sustainable Coloration of Poly(ϵ-caprolactone) Composites

- Clementi C. - Luzi F. - Dominici F. - Marmottini F. - Vivani R. - Loredana Latterini - Puglia D.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering

Investigating the relationship between surface roughness and reflectance properties of building materials

- Marchini F. - Chiatti C. - Fabiani C. - Loredana Latterini - Pisello A.L.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Antimicrobial Oleogel Containing Sustainably Prepared Silver-Based Nanomaterials for Topical Application

- Ambrogi V. - Nocchetti M. - Pietrella D. - Giulia Quaglia - Di Michele A. - Loredana Latterini
Journal of Functional Biomaterials

Harnessing the electronic structure of active metals to lower the overpotential of the electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction

- Baldinelli L. - Rodriguez G.M. - D'Ambrosio I. - Grigoras A.M. - Vivani R. - Loredana Latterini - Macchioni A. - De Angelis F. - Bistoni G.
Chemical Science

Tailoring High-Entropy Oxides as Emerging Radiative Materials for Daytime Passive Cooling

- Borghesi C. - Fabiani C. - Bondi R. - Loredana Latterini - Castelli I.E. - Pisello A.L. - Giorgi G.
Chemistry of Materials

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