Position: Permanent Staff
Email: stefanomarino@unimol.it
Phone: +39 0874 404709
Location: Campobasso
Precision agriculture
Sustainable agriculture
Remote sensing and Vegetation indices
Crop environmental and nutritional stress
Agricoltura di precisione negli agroecosistemi (LM Scienze e tecnologie agrarie)
Agronomia (LT Scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali)
Agronomia Montana (LT Scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali)
Research interest includes agronomic crop response to different environmental and nutritional stress; effects of Nitrogen, water and weeds stress on the crop biomass, yield and yield components. In recent years his work has focused on the innovative field-scale techniques aimed at early detection of stress through the use of spectral reflectance and vegetation indices. He has experience relating to the application of geostatistics techniques for spatial data analysis. He has experience and knowledge related to cereal crops (wheat, wheat, barley, spelled), vegetable crops (tomato, onion, bean, melon, watermelon, baby leaf), protein crop (beans, peas, chickpeas, grass peas), tubers (potatoes). 2018 – present Research Professor (AGR/02) at the Department of Agricultural Environmental and Food Sciences (DiAAA) Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy November 2006 – October 2018 Post-doc (AGR/02) Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy 2006 PhD, Protection and Quality of Agro-food productions. Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy 2002 BSc & MSc Agricultural Science and Technology.
Modelling of the above-ground biomass and ecological composition of semi-natural grasslands on the strenght of remote sensing data and machine learning algorithms
- Stefano Marino - Brugiapaglia E. - Miraglia N. - Persichilli C. - De Angelis M. - Pilla F. - Di Brita A.Evaluating the impacts of different wheat farming systems through Life Cycle Assessment
- di Cristofaro M. - Stefano Marino - Lima G. - Mastronardi L.Understanding the spatio-temporal behaviour of the sunflower crop for subfield areas delineation using Sentinelā2 NDVI time-series images in an organic farming system
- Stefano MarinoUnderstanding the spatio-temporal behavior of crop yield, yield components and weed pressure using time series Sentinel-2-data in an organic farming system
- Stefano MarinoAssessing the Agronomic Subfield Variability by Sentinel-2 NDVI Time-Series and Landscape Position
- Stefano MarinoSolar Fertigation: A Sustainable and Smart IoT-Based Irrigation and Fertilization System for Efficient Water and Nutrient Management
- Ahmad U. - Arturo Alvino - Stefano MarinoTechnology and Data Fusion Methods to Enhance Site-Specific Crop Monitoring
- Ahmad U. - Nasirahmadi A. - Hensel O. - Stefano MarinoConsorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)