Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 0805442018

Location: Bari

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Analytical Chemistry MALDI Mass Spectrometry (MS) Liquid Chromatography-MS -Omics Sciences Food Chemistry Cultural Heritage


Analytical Chemistry- BS in Pharmacy, I year, II semester Applied Mass Spectrometry- MS in Chemical Sciences II year, I semester

Curriculum Vitae

2021- present Associate Professor of Analytical-Chemistry/ Department of Chemistry/ University of Bari / Italy 2013 – 2021 Assistant Professor of Analytical-Chemistry/ Department of Chemistry/ University of Bari / Italy


September 2012: Best young researcher in Analytical Chemistry, granted by the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society.



Gas-Phase Fragmentation of Coenzyme Q10 Radical Anion Generated by APCI: A Study by High/Low-Resolution Tandem/Sequential Mass Spectrometry

- Bianco M. - Losito I. - Ventura G. - Leoni B. - Palmitessa O.D. - Renna M. - Santamaria P. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Cataldi T.R.I.
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Leuconostoc mesenteroides strain MS4-derived bacteriocins: A potent antimicrobial arsenal for controlling Xylella fastidiosa infection

- Sabri M. - El Handi K. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Bianco M. - De Stradis A. - Valentini F. - Elbeaino T.
Microbiological Research

Tandem Mass Spectrometry in Untargeted Lipidomics: A Case Study of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

- Ventura G. - Bianco M. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Losito I. - Cataldi T.R.I.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Discovering the Ellagitannin Landscape of Dried Walnut Shells by Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry

- Ventura G. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Bianco G. - Di Capua A. - Losito I. - Cataldi T.R.I.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Proteomics for Microalgae Extracts by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

- Bianco M. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Ventura G. - Losito I. - Cataldi T.R.I.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

Lipidomics reveals the reshaping of the mitochondrial phospholipid profile in cells lacking OPA1 and mitofusins

- Castellaneta A. - Losito I. - Porcelli V. - Barile S. - Maresca A. - Del Dotto V. - Losacco V. - Guadalupi L.S. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Chan D.C. - Carelli V. - Palmieri L. - Cataldi T.R.I.
Journal of Lipid Research

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