Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 055 4573314

Location: Florence

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Analytical chemistry, innovative approaches, (bio)sensors, low cost bioanlaytical platforms, plasmoni, nanophotonic, 



Analytical chemistry II, Bioanalyis, Advanced methods in analytical chemistry (in english)

Curriculum Vitae 

Maria Minunni, PhD

Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry "Ugo Schiff" DICUS- UNIFI


New materials for analytics, plasmonic, Piezoelectric snesing, nanosensing, nanomedicine, 

  • International experience: post doctoral position in:

- Switzerland (@Nestlè Research Cente, 1988-1989),

- Sweden (Pharmacia Biosensor AB1991-1992)

-Germany (Technical University of Munich, TUM, 1998-1999),

- Ireland (@University College UCC-Cork, 1985);

Italy University of Florence, Dipartimento di Chimica (1994-1997), and  Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche (1997-1998), 

  • Member of  managmet Committe  della COST Action TD1003,
  • Memer of Editorial Committee and boards  of Journals (i.e. Talanta (Editorial Board,  Elsevier), Sensors and Actuators report, Sensors (Associate Editor Elsevier),  Sensors Editorial board, MDPI), Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (SBSR) (Editorial Advisory Board member; Elsevier), Frontiers in Chemistry, as Review Editor, 
  • Guest Editor, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC), Springer, Issue New Developments in Biosensors, guest editors M. Minunni and F. Baldini; 2019
  • Member of  del Gruppo di Esperti di Valutazione for Chemistry (GEV 03) - Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR), per lresearch quality evaluation in Itay -MIUR (VQR 2011-2014);
  • Chairwoman del  committee P7-UNILIM-CaPTur-SVE5, iEvaluation of Research and Higher education (Hceres) 2021  France;
  • Vice-coordinator of the Innovation and Demonstration Node (IDN) for UNIFI @ High speciality Competence Center (Centro di Competenza ad alta specializzazione) Advanced Robotics and enabling digital TEchnologies & Systems 4.0 - ARTES 4.0, funded by Ministry of Economic development
  • Member Collegio dei docenti PhD in Chemical Sciences (2010-20219)
  • Board of examinators of MULTIDISCIPLINARY topics at national and international PhD Thesis defenses (9), since 2005;
  • Funding -Public National and International fundingas  as both Coordinator (ERANET Photonic Sensing, Ministero della Salute e World antidoping agency WADA) and  Principal Investigator (PI), funded by EU (FP7 ed H2020), World Antidoping Agency (WADA),Ministero della Salute, della  Regione Toscana, PI of private contracts; 
  • Chair (2013, 2019) and  co-Chair (2014) of international conferences and member of executive boards of many others
  • Invited atnatioanl and international plenary conferences (22)
  •  Member of Panels for funding  researc at international level ( EU, ANR, Czech Science Fundation, Romanian National Council for Scientific Research, Israeli Ministry of Science, total 14) and  MIUR;
  • PhD tutor  (5); and relatore of  tesi di laurea (20). As  past student there is a Granted  reasercher with bando SIR (S. Scarano 2014), The winner of p (France, Spagna)

Dati bibliometrici, Scopus H-index 37, results 1334, total citation 5948; november  2021,  author of 17 book chapters; Author ID:6603859976 

ISI-Web research ID:   H-5278-2011;


for young researcher sponsored by Analytica Chimica Acta (1993)


Guest of Honor, World Advanced Materials Congress, Baltic Conference Series – BCSStockholm, Sweden



A universal label for the detection of PCR amplicons based on gold nanorods

- Borri C. - Ratto F. - Castronovo L.M. - Bogani P. - Simona Scarano - Maria Minunni - Centi S.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research

Fast, sensitive, and sustainable colorimetric detection of chlorogenic acid in artichoke waste material

- Cuffaro D. - Palladino P. - Digiacomo M. - Bertini S. - Maria Minunni - Macchia M.
Food Chemistry

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