Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: 0577234198

Location: Siena - STCDB

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Cellular damages induced by oxidative stress and defense mechanisms elicited by antioxidants

Detection of biomarkers of oxidative stress

Glutathione dependant detoxification of xenobiotics

Nitric oxide, S-nitrosothiols and other NOx: detection and function

Potential therapeutic compounds releasing H2S, evaluation of their biological effect and of their influence on the levels of endogenous antioxidants





Curriculum Vitae

1992: Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Siena

1992-1995: Fellowship at the Tecnobiochip (Marciana, LI), at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome and at the Pharmacia Research Center (Milan)

1995-1998: Ph student at the Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, University of Siena.

1999: PhD in Diagnostic Pathology, University of Siena

1998-2001: Research Technician at the University of Siena2001-: Researcher, Assistant Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Siena

2010: Visiting Researcher at the Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas (USA).




NRF2 activation by cysteine as a survival mechanism for triple-negative breast cancer cells

- Bottoni L. - Minetti A. - Realini G. - Pio E. - Daniela Giustarini - Ranieri Rossi - Rocchio C. - Franci L. - Salvini L. - Catona O. - D’Aurizio R. - Rasa M. - Giurisato E. - Neri F. - Orlandini M. - Chiariello M. - Galvagni F.

How to Increase Cellular Glutathione

- Daniela Giustarini - Milzani A. - Dalle-Donne I. - Ranieri Rossi

Effects of Physiological and Pathological Urea Concentrations on Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells

- Colombo G. - Altomare A. - Astori E. - Landoni L. - Garavaglia M.L. - Ranieri Rossi - Daniela Giustarini - Lionetti M.C. - Gagliano N. - Milzani A. - Dalle-Donne I.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Effects of Nitisinone on Oxidative and Inflammatory Markers in Alkaptonuria: Results from SONIA1 and SONIA2 Studies

- Braconi D. - Geminiani M. - Psarelli E.E. - Daniela Giustarini - Marzocchi B. - Ranieri Rossi - Bernardini G. - Spiga O. - Gallagher J.A. - Le Quan Sang K.H. - Arnoux J.B. - Imrich R. - Al-Sbou M.S. - Gornall M. - Jackson R. - Ranganath L.R. - Santucci A.

Effects of the uremic toxin indoxyl sulphate on human microvascular endothelial cells

- Colombo G. - Astori E. - Landoni L. - Garavaglia M.L. - Altomare A. - Lionetti M.C. - Gagliano N. - Daniela Giustarini - Ranieri Rossi - Milzani A. - Dalle-Donne I.
Journal of Applied Toxicology

Melatonin modulates Nrf2 activity to protect porcine pre-pubertal Sertoli cells from the abnormal H2O2 generation and reductive stress effects of cadmium

- Bartolini D. - Arato I. - Mancuso F. - Daniela Giustarini - Bellucci C. - Vacca C. - Aglietti M.C. - Stabile A.M. - Ranieri Rossi - Cruciani G. - Rende M. - Calafiore R. - Luca G. - Galli F.
Journal of Pineal Research

Blood Thiol Redox State in Chronic Kidney Disease

- Garavaglia M.L. - Daniela Giustarini - Colombo G. - Reggiani F. - Finazzi S. - Calatroni M. - Landoni L. - Portinaro N.M. - Milzani A. - Badalamenti S. - Ranieri Rossi - Dalle-Donne I.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Homogentisic acid induces autophagy alterations leading to chondroptosis in human chondrocytes: Implications in Alkaptonuria

- Galderisi S. - Milella M.S. - Rossi M. - Cicaloni V. - Ranieri Rossi - Daniela Giustarini - Spiga O. - Tinti L. - Salvini L. - Tinti C. - Braconi D. - Millucci L. - Lupetti P. - Prischi F. - Bernardini G. - Santucci A.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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