Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Lactate-Induced HBEGF Shedding and EGFR Activation: Paving the Way to a New Anticancer Therapeutic Opportunity
- Rossi V. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Govoni M. - Di Stefano G.Peptides inhibiting the assembly of monomeric human l-lactate dehydrogenase into catalytically active homotetramer decrease the synthesis of lactate in cultured cells
- Alessandra Stefan - Gentilucci L. - Ruffolo F. - Rossi V. - Sordi S. - He T. - di Stefano G. - Santino F. - Brigotti M. - Scotti C. - Iamele L. - de Jonge H. - Piaz F.D. - Santarcangelo D.R. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe catalytic action of human D-lactate dehydrogenase is severely inhibited by oxalate and is impaired by mutations triggering D-lactate acidosis
- Alessandra Stefan - Mucchi A. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe four subunits of rabbit skeletal muscle lactate dehydrogenase do not exert their catalytic action additively
- Rossi M. - Tomaselli F. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase MptpA features a pH dependent activity overlapping the bacterium sensitivity to acidic conditions
- Kovermann M. - Alessandra Stefan - Palazzetti C. - Immler F. - Dal Piaz F. - Bernardi L. - Cimone V. - Bellone M.L. - Alejandro HochkoepplerTrehalose counteracts the dissociation of tetrameric rabbit lactate dehydrogenase induced by acidic pH conditions
- Simongini M. - Puglisi A. - Genovese F. - Alejandro HochkoepplerAmberlite XAD-4 is a convenient tool for removing Triton X-100 and Sarkosyl from protein solutions
- Scutteri L. - Maltoni G. - Alejandro HochkoepplerHigh-yield production in Escherichia coli and convenient purification of a candidate vaccine against SARS-CoV-2
- Maltoni G. - Scutteri L. - Mensitieri F. - Piaz F.D. - Alejandro HochkoepplerAllosteric transitions of rabbit skeletal muscle lactate dehydrogenase induced by pH-dependent dissociation of the tetrameric enzyme
- Iacovino L.G. - Rossi M. - Di Stefano G. - Rossi V. - Binda C. - Brigotti M. - Tomaselli F. - Pasti A.P. - Dal Piaz F. - Cerini S. - Alejandro HochkoepplerHuman lactate dehydrogenase A undergoes allosteric transitions under pH conditions inducing the dissociation of the tetrameric enzyme
- Pasti A.P. - Rossi V. - Di Stefano G. - Brigotti M. - Alejandro HochkoepplerASFV DNA polymerase extends recessed DNAs with catalytic efficiencies outperforming those exerted on gapped DNA substrates
- Lapenna A. - Alessandra Stefan - Alejandro HochkoepplerProduction in Escherichia coli of recombinant COVID-19 spike protein fragments fused to CRM197
- Bellone M.L. - Puglisi A. - Dal Piaz F. - Alejandro HochkoepplerSynthesis and Photochemical Properties of Manganese(I) Tricarbonyl Diimine Complexes Bound to Tetrazolato Ligands
- Stout M.J. - Alessandra Stefan - Skelton B.W. - Sobolev A.N. - Massi M. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Stagni S. - Simpson P.V.Substrate Activation of the Low-Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Alessandra Stefan - Dal Piaz F. - Girella A. - Alejandro HochkoepplerAntibacterial activity of a new class of tris homoleptic Ru (II)-complexes with alkyl-tetrazoles as diimine-type ligands
- Monti N. - Zacchini S. - Massi M. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Giorgini L. - Fiorini V. - Alessandra Stefan - Stagni S.Purification from Deinococcus radiodurans of a 66 kDa ABC transporter acting on peptides containing at least 3 amino acids
- Alessandra Stefan - Gentilucci L. - Piaz F.D. - D'Alessio F. - Santino F. - Alejandro HochkoepplerStructural and catalytic insights into HoLaMa, a derivative of Klenow DNA polymerase lacking the proofreading domain
- Kovermann M. - Alessandra Stefan - Castaldo A. - Caramia S. - Alejandro HochkoepplerLuminescent protein staining with Re(i) tetrazolato complexes
- Fiorini V. - Bergamini L. - Monti N. - Zacchini S. - Plush S.E. - Massi M. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Alessandra Stefan - Stagni S.Purification of active recombinant human histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) overexpressed in Escherichia coli
- Alessandra Stefan - Calonghi N. - Schipani F. - Dal Piaz F. - Sartor G. - Alejandro HochkoepplerManganese is a deinococcus radiodurans growth limiting factor in rich culture medium
- Borsetti F. - Dal Piaz F. - D’Alessio F. - Alessandra Stefan - Brandimarti R. - Sarkar A. - Datta A. - Silva A.M. - Den Blaauwen T. - Alberto M. - Spisni E. - Alejandro HochkoepplerA single-molecule FRET sensor for monitoring DNA synthesis in real time
- Fijen C. - Montón Silva A. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Hohlbein J.Methylation of Ir(III)-tetrazolato complexes: An effective route to modulate the emission outputs and to switch to antimicrobial properties
- Fiorini V. - Zanoni I. - Zacchini S. - Costa A. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Zanotti V. - Ranieri A. - Massi M. - Alessandra Stefan - Stagni S.Dual role of imidazole as activator/inhibitor of sweet almond (Prunus dulcis) β-glucosidase
- Caramia S. - Gatius A. - dal Piaz F. - Gaja D. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe thumb domain is not essential for the catalytic action of HoLaMa DNA polymerase
- Gatius A.G.M. - Piaz F.D. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe expression of the Cuphea palustris thioesterase CpFatB2 in Yarrowia lipolytica triggers oleic acid accumulation
- Alessandra Stefan - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Ugolini L. - Lazzeri L. - Conte E.A continuous spectrophotometric enzyme-coupled assay for deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolases
- Singh D. - Schaaper R.M. - Alejandro HochkoepplerEscherichia coli DnaE polymerase couples pyrophosphatase activity to DNA replication
- Lapenta F. - Silva A.M. - Brandimarti R. - Lanzi M. - Gratani F.L. - Gonzalez P.V. - Perticarari S. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe DnaE polymerase from Deinococcus radiodurans features RecA-dependent DNA polymerase activity
- Randi L. - Perrone A. - Maturi M. - Dal Piaz F. - Camerani M. - Alejandro HochkoepplerStructure of Escherichia coli dGTP Triphosphohydrolase: A hexameric enzyme with DNA effector molecules
- Singh D. - Gawel D. - Itsko M. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Krahn J.M. - London R.E. - Schaaper R.M.The multifaceted benefits of protein co-expression in Escherichia coli
- Alessandra Stefan - Ceccarelli A. - Conte E. - Silva A. - Alejandro HochkoepplerSimultaneous ternary extension of DNA catalyzed by a trimeric replicase assembled in vivo
- Montón Silva A. - Lapenta F. - Alessandra Stefan - Dal Piaz F. - Ceccarelli A. - Perrone A. - Alejandro HochkoepplerHoLaMa: A Klenow sub-fragment lacking the 3′-5′ exonuclease domain
- Martina C.E. - Lapenta F. - Montón Silva A. - Alejandro HochkoepplerExpanding the landscape of recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli
- Alejandro HochkoepplerA synthetic Post-transcriptional controller to explore the modular design of gene circuits
- Ceroni F. - Furini S. - Alessandra Stefan - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Giordano E.Stabilization of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III ε subunit by the θ subunit favors in vivo assembly of the Pol III catalytic core
- Conte E. - Vincelli G. - Schaaper R. - Bressanin D. - Alessandra Stefan - Piaz F. - Alejandro HochkoepplerContinuous enzyme-coupled assay of phosphate- or pyrophosphate-releasing enzymes
- Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Guillén Suárez A. - Alessandra Stefan - Lemma S. - Conte E.On the antibacterial activity of roots of Capparis spinosa L.
- Boga C. - Forlani L. - Calienni R. - Hindley T. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Tozzi S. - Zanna N.pGOODs: New plasmids for the co-expression of proteins in Escherichia coli
- Conte E. - Landolfi G. - Vincelli G. - Alessandra Stefan - Alejandro HochkoepplerOverexpression and purification of the recombinant diphtheria toxin variant CRM197 in Escherichia coli
- Alessandra Stefan - Conti M. - Rubboli D. - Ravagli L. - Presta E. - Alejandro HochkoepplerShine-Dalgarno sequence enhances the efficiency of lacZ repression by artificial anti-lac antisense RNAs in Escherichia coli
- Alessandra Stefan - Schwarz F. - Bressanin D. - Alejandro HochkoepplerExpression and purification of the recombinant mustard trypsin inhibitor 2 (MTI2) in Escherichia coli
- Alessandra Stefan - Ugolini L. - Martelli E. - Palmieri S. - Alejandro HochkoepplerProteolysis of the proofreading subunit controls the assembly of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III catalytic core
- Bressanin D. - Alessandra Stefan - Piaz F.D. - Cianchetta S. - Reggiani L. - Alejandro HochkoepplerThe regulatory elements of araBAD operon, contrary to lac-based expression systems, afford hypersynthesis of murine, and human interferons in Escherichia coli
- Alessandra Stefan - Alfarano P. - Merulla D. - Mattana P. - Rolli E. - Mangino P. - Masotti L. - Alejandro HochkoepplerSelenite transiently represses transcription of photosynthesis-related genes in potato leaves
- Poggi V. - Del Vescovo V. - Di Sanza C. - Negri R. - Alejandro HochkoepplerTyrosine83 is essential for the activity of E. coli galactoside transacetylase
- Annalisa Radeghieri - Bonoli M. - Parmeggiani F. - Alejandro HochkoepplerEfficient silencing of the gene coding for the ε subunit of DNA polymerase III in Escherichia coli is triggered by antisense RNAs featuring stability in vivo
- Alessandra Stefan - Tabler M. - Alejandro HochkoepplerRNA complementary to the 5′ UTR of mRNA triggers effective silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Bonoli M. - Graziola M. - Poggi V. - Alejandro HochkoepplerUse of Rhodotorula minuta live cells hosted in water-in-oil macroemulsion for biotrasformation reaction
- Giuseppe Cinelli - Francesca Cuomo - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Andrea Ceglie - Francesco LopezPolyphenol oxidase expression in potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers inhibited to sprouting by treatment with iodine atmosphere
- Eolini F. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Credi A. - Rodríguez A. - Poggi V.Purification of a polyphenol oxidase isoform from potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers
- Marri C. - Frazzoli A. - Alejandro Hochkoeppler - Poggi V.