Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Dimer Is Not Double: The Unexpected Behavior of Two-Floor Peptide Nanosponge
- Grazia Maria Lucia Messina - De Zotti M. - Siano A.S. - Claudia Mazzuca - Giovanni Marletta - Antonio PalleschiSERS nanostructures with engineered active peptides against an immune checkpoint protein
- Gobbo M. - Caligiuri I. - Giannetti M. - Litti L. - Claudia Mazzuca - Rizzolio F. - Antonio Palleschi - Meneghetti M.Investigation into the Influence of the Process Parameters on the Stability of a Poly(Vinyl)-Alcohol-Based Coating System
- Canale V.C. - Paleari L. - Bragaglia M. - Petrella G. - Leonardo Severini - Nanni F. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio PalleschiA Spectroscopic and Molecular Dynamics Study on the Aggregation Properties of a Lipopeptide Analogue of Liraglutide, a Therapeutic Peptide against Diabetes Type 2
- Giannetti M. - Antonio Palleschi - Ricciardi B. - Mariano VenanziUltrasound-Stimulated PVA Microbubbles as a Green and Handy Tool for the Cleaning of Cellulose-Based Materials
- Leonardo Severini - D’Andrea A. - Redi M. - Dabagov S.B. - Guglielmotti V. - Hampai D. - Laura Micheli - Cancelliere R. - Domenici F. - Claudia Mazzuca - Gaio Paradossi - Antonio PalleschiPeptide-bridged bis-porphyrin compounds: A photophysical and molecular dynamics study
- Rita Cimino - Emanuela Gatto - De Zotti M. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Giannetti M. - Antonio Palleschi - Serpa C. - Mariano VenanziInspection on the Mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 Inhibition by Penciclovir: A Molecular Dynamic Study
- Giannetti M. - Claudia Mazzuca - Ripani G. - Antonio PalleschiAn Insight into the Degradation Processes of the Anti-Hypertensive Drug Furosemide
- Giannetti M. - Canale V.C. - Laura Micheli - Fiori M. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio PalleschiFrom nanoaggregates to mesoscale ribbons: The multistep self-organization of amphiphilic peptides
- Grazia Maria Lucia Messina - Claudia Mazzuca - Dettin M. - Zamuner A. - Di Napoli B. - Ripani G. - Giovanni Marletta - Antonio PalleschiProtection against proteolysis of a targeting peptide on gold nanostructures
- Biscaglia F. - Caligiuri I. - Rizzolio F. - Ripani G. - Antonio Palleschi - Meneghetti M. - Gobbo M.Ultrasound-Stimulated PVA Microbubbles for Adhesive Removal from Cellulose-Based Materials: A Groundbreaking Low-Impact Methodology
- D'Andrea A. - Leonardo Severini - Domenici F. - Dabagov S. - Guglielmotti V. - Hampai D. - Laura Micheli - Placidi E. - Titubante M. - Claudia Mazzuca - Gaio Paradossi - Antonio PalleschiAggregation propensity of therapeutic fibrin-homing pentapeptides: Insights from experiments and molecular dynamics simulations
- Zanuy D. - Puiggalí-Jou A. - Conflitti P. - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Antonio Palleschi - Alemán C.Coarse-Grained Simulation of the Adsorption of Water on Au(111) Surfaces Using a Modified Stillinger-Weber Potential
- Ripani G. - Flachmüller A. - Peter C. - Antonio PalleschiPolyvinyl alcohol based hydrogels as new tunable materials for application in the cultural heritage field
- Claudia Mazzuca - Leonardo Severini - Domenici F. - Yosra Toumia - Mazzotta F. - Laura Micheli - Titubante M. - Di Napoli B. - Gaio Paradossi - Antonio PalleschiEvaluating the influence of paper characteristics on the efficacy of new poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogels for cleaning modern and ancient paper
- Claudia Mazzuca - Leonardo Severini - Missori M. - Tumiati M. - Domenici F. - Laura Micheli - Titubante M. - Bragaglia M. - Nanni F. - Gaio Paradossi - Antonio PalleschiA spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study on the aggregation process of a long-acting lipidated therapeutic peptide: The case of semaglutide
- Mariano Venanzi - Marco Savioli - Rita Cimino - Emanuela Gatto - Antonio Palleschi - Ripani G. - Cicero D. - Placidi E. - Orvieto F. - Bianchi E.Understanding the good and poor cell targeting activity of gold nanostructures functionalized with molecular units for the epidermal growth factor receptor
- Claudia Mazzuca - Di Napoli B. - Biscaglia F. - Ripani G. - Rajendran S. - Braga A. - Benna C. - Mocellin S. - Gobbo M. - Meneghetti M. - Antonio PalleschiMolecular Sponge: PH-Driven Reversible Squeezing of Stimuli-Sensitive Peptide Monolayers
- Grazia Maria Lucia Messina - Di Napoli B. - De Zotti M. - Claudia Mazzuca - Formaggio F. - Antonio Palleschi - Giovanni MarlettaGold Nanoparticle Aggregates Functionalized with Cyclic RGD Peptides for Targeting and Imaging of Colorectal Cancer Cells
- Biscaglia F. - Ripani G. - Rajendran S. - Benna C. - Mocellin S. - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Meneghetti M. - Antonio Palleschi - Gobbo M.Rational design of antiangiogenic helical oligopeptides targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors
- Zanella S. - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - De Zotti M. - Arosio D. - Marino F. - Raniolo S. - Pignataro L. - Sacco G. - Antonio Palleschi - Siano A.S. - Piarulli U. - Belvisi L. - Formaggio F. - Gennari C. - Lorenzo StellaControlling the Formation of Peptide Films: Fully Developed Helical Peptides are Required to Obtain a Homogenous Coating over a Large Area
- De Zotti M. - Corvi G. - Emanuela Gatto - Di Napoli B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio Palleschi - Placidi E. - Biondi B. - Crisma M. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziOrienting proteins by nanostructured surfaces: Evidence of a curvature-driven geometrical resonance
- Grazia Maria Lucia Messina - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Giamblanco N. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio Palleschi - Giovanni MarlettaInterdisciplinary approach to develop a disposable real time monitoring tool for the cleaning of graphic artworks. Application on “le Nozze di Psiche”
- Laura Micheli - Claudia Mazzuca - Missori M. - Teodonio L. - Mosca Conte A. - Pulci O. - Arcadipane L. - Dominijanni S. - Antonio Palleschi - Palleschi G. - Iannuccelli S. - Sotgiu S.Behavior of a Peptide during a Langmuir-Blodgett Compression Isotherm: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
- Di Napoli B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Conflitti P. - Mariano Venanzi - Antonio PalleschiTuning the Morphology of Nanostructured Peptide Films by the Introduction of a Secondary Structure Conformational Constraint: A Case Study of Hierarchical Self-Assembly
- De Zotti M. - Muzzi B. - Emanuela Gatto - Di Napoli B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio Palleschi - Placidi E. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziThe several facets of trichogin GA IV: High affinity tb(III) binding properties. a spectroscopic and molecular dynamics simulation study
- Emanuela Gatto - Palleschi M.E. - Zangrilli B. - De Zotti M. - Di Napoli B. - Antonio Palleschi - Claudia Mazzuca - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziThe influence of ph on the scleroglucan and scleroglucan/borax systems
- Claudia Mazzuca - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Antonio Palleschi - Conflitti P. - Grassi M. - Di Meo C. - Alhaique F. - Coviello T.Innovative chemical gels meet enzymes: A smart combination for cleaning paper artworks
- Claudia Mazzuca - Giovanna Poggi - Bonelli N. - Laura Micheli - Piero Baglioni - Antonio PalleschiEnhanced EGFR targeting activity of plasmonic nanostructures with engineered GE11 peptide
- Biscaglia F. - Rajendran S. - Conflitti P. - Benna C. - Sommaggio R. - Litti L. - Mocellin S. - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Rosato A. - Antonio Palleschi - Nitti D. - Gobbo M. - Meneghetti M.Molecular dynamics simulations of the host defense peptide temporin L and Its Q3K Derivative: An atomic level view from aggregation in water to bilayer perturbation
- Farrotti A. - Conflitti P. - Srivastava S. - Ghosh J.K. - Antonio Palleschi - Lorenzo Stella - Gianfranco BocchinfusoHierarchical transfer of chiral information from the molecular to the mesoscopic scale by Langmuir-Blodgett deposition of tetrasteroid-porphyrins
- Raffaella Lettieri - Cardová L. - Emanuela Gatto - Claudia Mazzuca - Monti D. - Antonio Palleschi - Placidi E. - Drašar P. - Mariano Venanzi A bioinspired dye sensitized solar cell based on a rhodamine-functionalized peptide immobilized on nanocrystalline TiO
A new sustainable and innovative work for paper artworks cleaning process: Gellan hydrogel combined with hydrolytic enzymes
- Petrella G. - Claudia Mazzuca - Laura Micheli - Cervelli E. - De Fazio D. - Iannuccelli S. - Sotgiu S. - Palleschi G. - Antonio Palleschiβ-Substituted ferrocenyl porphyrins: The role of the spacer and of the number of substituents on their structural and spectroscopic characteristics
- Claudia Mazzuca - Di Napoli B. - Lentini S. - Cicero D.O. - Emanuela Gatto - Tagliatesta P. - Antonio PalleschiCarnitine palmitoyl transferase-1A (CPT1A): A new tumor specific target in human breast cancer
- Pucci S. - Zonetti M. - Fisco T. - Polidoro C. - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Antonio Palleschi - Novelli G. - Spagnoli L. - Mazzarelli P.Development of a diagnostic and cleaning tool for paper artworks: A case of study
- Laura Micheli - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio Palleschi - Palleschi G.How to tune a paper cleaning process by means of modified gellan hydrogels
- Claudia Mazzuca - Laura Micheli - Raffaella Lettieri - Cervelli E. - Coviello T. - Cencetti C. - Sotgiu S. - Iannuccelli S. - Palleschi G. - Antonio PalleschiRelative stability of the scleroglucan triple-helix and single strand: An insight from computational and experimental techniques
- Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Claudia Mazzuca - Conflitti P. - Cori D. - Coviello T. - Antonio PalleschiAre two better than one? A new approach for multidentate grafting of peptides to a gold substrate
- Caruso M. - Emanuela Gatto - Antonio Palleschi - Scarselli M. - De Crescenzi M. - Formaggio F. - Longo E. - Toniolo C. - Wright K. - Mariano VenanziDPPTE Thiolipid Self-Assembled Monolayer: A Critical Assay
- Raffaella Lettieri - Di Giorgio F. - Colella A. - Magnusson R. - Bjorefors F. - Placidi E. - Antonio Palleschi - Mariano Venanzi - Emanuela GattoNeat and GNPs loaded natural rubber fibers by electrospinning: Manufacturing and characterization
- Cacciotti I. - House J. - Claudia Mazzuca - Valentini M. - Madau F. - Antonio Palleschi - Straffi P. - Nanni F.Theoretical and experimental study on a self-assembling polysaccharide forming nanochannels: Static and dynamic effects, induced by a soft confinement
- Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Antonio Palleschi - Claudia Mazzuca - Coviello T. - Alhaique F. - Giovanni MarlettaSelf-assembled peptide monolayers on interdigitated gold microelectrodes
- Emanuela Gatto - Mariano Venanzi - Antonio Palleschi - Lorenzo Stella - Pispisa B. - Lorenzelli L. - Toniolo C. - Formaggio F. - Giovanni MarlettaDensely-packed self-assembled monolayers on gold surfaces from a conformationally constrained helical hexapeptide
- Mariano Venanzi - Pace G. - Antonio Palleschi - Lorenzo Stella - Castrucci P. - Scarselli M. - De Crescenzi M. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Giovanni MarlettaStatic and dynamic features of a helical hexapeptide chemisorbed on a gold surface
- Pace G. - Mariano Venanzi - Castrucci P. - Scarselli M. - De Crescenzi M. - Antonio Palleschi - Lorenzo Stella - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Giovanni Marletta