Position: Permanent Staff
Email: baglioni@csgi.unifi.it
Phone: 055 457-3033
Location: Florence
Self-assembly of bio-inspired surfactants (nucleolipids and ascorbic acid derivatives) and of biomolecules (cyclodextrins).
Core-shell nanostructures with tunable magnetic properties.
Inorganic nanophases applied to Cultural Heritage conservation and to nanocoating of materials (building materials, textiles, etc..).
Interaction potentials in protein solutions.
Nanostructured surfaces for biosensors application.
Additive effects on microstructure and hydration in cement pastes.
Confined water in inorganic and biological matrices.
Stabilization of soot in oil formulations.
Chimica Fisica II (LT Chimica, Univ. Firenze)
Chimica Fisica dei Sistemi Dispersi e delle Interfasi (LM Scienze Chimiche, Univ. Firenze)
Chimica per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (LM Scienze Chimiche, Univ. Firenze)
1977: Degree in Chemistry at the University of Florence (110 cum laude /110). Thesis title: "Synthesis and characterization of semipermeable membranes for gas separation".
1978-1981: Fellowship from National Council of Research (CNR).
1981-1986: Researcher at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence.
1986: Post-doc at the Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, USA, Prof. Larry Kevan.
1987-1989: Visiting scientist/professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, USA, Prof. Larry Kevan.
1987-1994: Associate Professor of Physical-Chemistry at the University of Udine, Italy.
1990: Visiting Professor, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Chemical-Physics, Rehovot, Israel, Prof. D. Goldfarb.
1994: Visiting professor, College de France, Paris, Laboratoire de la Matiere Condensee, Profs. P.G. de Gennes and J. M. di Meglio.
1994 - present: Full Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Florence.
2000-2003: Visiting Professor/Research Fellow, Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Prof. Sow-Hsin Chen.
2004 – present: MIT affiliate, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge.
2002: Rhodia Prize - European Colloids and Interface Society (ECIS).
2004: Grand Prix for Innovation Award.
2010: Caballero Aguila (The most prestigious recognition from CONACULTA-INAH for the Mexican Cultural Heritage conservation).
2011: Lifetime achievements for the contribution to Colloids and Interface Science (JCIS).
Development of biobased poly(urethanes-co-oxazolidones) organogels
- Salvatore Impemba - Damiano Bandelli - Rosangela Mastrangelo - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniSuperhydrophobic surfaces for the sustainable maintenance of building materials and stone-built heritage: The challenges, opportunities and perspectives
- Chen H. - Cao Y. - Wang C. - Tie F. - Dong W. - Camaiti M. - Piero BaglioniActivation of ground granulated blast-furnace slag with calcium hydroxide nanoparticles towards the consolidation of adobe
- Monica Tonelli - Rachel Camerini - Piero Baglioni - Francesca RidiTailoring the properties of castor oil polyurethanes organogels with green oligoesters
- Damiano Bandelli - Rosangela Mastrangelo - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniThe GREENART Project: Environmentally Friendly and Low Impact Materials for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
- David Chelazzi - Giovanna Poggi - Piero BaglioniTuning Local Order in Starch Nanoparticles Exploiting Nonsolvency with “Green” Solvents
- Casini A. - Casagli M. - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniAccess to Functionalized Polycarbonates Derived from Fatty Acid Esters via Catalytic ROCOP and Their Potential in Gel Formulations
- Brandolese A. - Lamparelli D.H. - Grimaldi I. - Salvatore Impemba - Piero Baglioni - Kleij A.W.“Twin Chain” PVA Cryogels with Controlled Tortuosity as Advanced Materials for Cleaning of Works of Art
- Rosangela Mastrangelo - Damiano Bandelli - Pensabene Buemi L. - Piero BaglioniNew horizons on advanced nanoscale materials for Cultural Heritage conservation
- Rosangela Mastrangelo - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniNew sustainable polymers and oligomers for Cultural Heritage conservation
- Damiano Bandelli - Rosangela Mastrangelo - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniConsorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)