Position: Permanent Staff
Email: carretti@csgi.unifi.it
Phone: 055 457-3046
Location: Florence
Colloidal Systems
Environmental Chemistry
Circular Economy
Nanotechnologies in Cultural Heritage Conservation.
Curriculum Vitae
Apr 1999: Degree in Chemistry, at the University of Florence, (110 cum laude/110). Thesis title: "Oil-in-Water Microemulsions and their Application in Cultural Heritage Conservation" .
2000-2003: PhD (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science at the University of Florence. Title: "Large Interface Systems in Cultural Heritage Conservation: Gels and Microemulsions ". Advisor: Prof. L. Dei (University of Florence); co-advisor: Prof. R. G. Weiss (Georgetown University).
2003-2007: Post-Doc fellow fellow at Chemistry Department of the University of Florence “Set up and physico-chemical characterization of gels and microemulsions for innovative technological applications”. Collaborations: Procter & Gamble for the set up of innovative laundry soaps with low environmental impact; Martelli S.p.A. for the rheological characterization of cosmetics
2007-2015: Post-Doc fellows at the CSGI and Dept. of Chemistry of the University of Florence. Research activity focused on the Chemistry of hard and soft nanomaterials and complex systems specifically set up for the preservation of the Environment and of Cultural Heritage
2015-2019: temporary Researcher fellow at Chemistry Department of the University of Florence. Research and teaching activity in the field of Chemistry of complex systems tailored for the preservation of the Environment and of Cultural Heritage
2019-present: Associate Professor in Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage at Chemistry Department of the University of Florence.. Research and teaching activity in the field of Chemistry of complex systems tailored for the preservation of the Environment and of Cultural Heritage and the promotion of Circular Economy
The scientific research mainly deals with the physical and analytical chemistry of both hard and soft nanomaterials. The attention has been focused especially on the synthesis and on the physico-chemical characterization of hard inorganic nanoparticles and soft dispersed systems like microemulsions, micellar solutions and gels with particular emphasis in their possible technological application as low impact tools in both the fields of Cultural Heritage Conservation and Environmental Chemistry. In the last 5 years, part of the research activity of Prof. Emiliano Carretti was focused on the analysis of biomasses to be used as renewable resources through their conversion into bio-based commodities, as an appealing route to enhance sustainability and economics of various industrial treatments, promoting the development of circular economy programs.
Instrumental skills
Dynamic and static Rheology, Viscometry, Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-Vis spectroscopy, UVVis Fluorescence, Low angle scattering techniques (SAXS, SANS, Light Scattering), Optical, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM), Tensiometry (surface tension), Thermal and thermogravimetric analysis (DSC-DTG), confocal microscopy.
Methodologic insights aimed to set-up an innovative Laser Direct InfraRed (LDIR)-based method for the detection and characterization of microplastics in wastewaters
- Pagliaccia B. - Ascolese M. - Vannini E. - Emiliano Carretti - Lubello C. - Gori R.Development of a functionalized polystyrene platform from packaging waste via Friedel-Craft acylation
- Daniela Porcu - Emiliano Carretti - Fontana R. - David Chelazzi - Damiano BandelliArtificial induction of the “vinegar syndrome” in cellulose acetate motion picture film and multi-analytical protocol for its monitoring
- Francesca Porpora - Luigi Dei - Maiano A.M. - Emiliano CarrettiTowards resource recovery-oriented solutions in agriculture exploiting structural extracellular polymeric substances (sEPS) extracted from aerobic granular sludge (AGS)
- Pagliaccia B. - Campo R. - Emiliano Carretti - Severi M. - Lubello C. - Tommaso LottiNon-Aqueous Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Organogel Sponges for Controlled Solvent Release: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in the Cleaning of Artworks
- Francesca Porpora - Luigi Dei - Duncan T.T. - Olivadese F. - London S. - Berrie B.H. - Weiss R.G. - Emiliano CarrettiSponge-like Cryogels from Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation: Structure, Porosity, and Diffusional Gel Properties
- Rosangela Mastrangelo - Claudio Resta - Emiliano Carretti - Emiliano Fratini - Piero BaglioniSpecific ion effects on copper electroplating
- Giurlani W. - Fidi A. - Erasmo Anselmi - Pizzetti F. - Bonechi M. - Emiliano Carretti - Pierandrea Lo Nostro - Massimo Innocenti A new smart material constituted of Funori and Ca(OH)
Spectroscopic and Morphologic Investigation of Bronze Disease: Performance Evaluation of Portable Devices
- Daniela Porcu - Innocenti S. - Galeotti M. - Striova J. - Luigi Dei - Emiliano Carretti - Fontana R.Recovery of structural extracellular polymeric substances (sEPS) from aerobic granular sludge: Insights on biopolymers characterization and hydrogel properties for potential applications
- Campo R. - Emiliano Carretti - Lubello C. - Tommaso LottiConsorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)