Position: Post-Doc
Email: jacopo.vialetto@unifi.it
Location: Firenze
Interfacial phenomena: colloid particles at fluid interfaces and transfer strategies.
Synthesis and characterization of colloidal systems: hard and soft particles, surfactants.
Light-responsive colloidal systems.
Light scattering, X-rays and neutron scattering, micromechanics (AFM) of soft particles.
2023 - to date. Laboratorio di Chimica Fisica II (Laboratory of Physical-Chemistry II), B006894 (B025). Bachelor Degree "Scienze Chimiche", University of Florence. 6 CFU (56 hrs).
2023, 2024. Tecnologia di materiali avanzati (Technology of advanced materials), B012863 (B088). Master Degree "Chimica supramolecolare, dei materiali e dei nanosistemi", University of Florence. 1 CFU (8 hrs).
2023, 2025. Experimental methods for the study of nanostructured materials, B029590 (B234). Master Degree in Advanced Molecular Sciences, University of Florence. 1 CFU (12 hrs).
2022 - to date. Atomic Force Microscopy in Materials Science, Master or PhD in Materials Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Professors: Nancy Burnham, Lucio Isa. Code: 327-2223-00L, 4 credits ETCS (80 hrs). Teaching assistant.
02/2025 - to date. Researcher (RTDb), "Levi Montalcini" research fellow. Chemistry Department, University of Florence, Italy.
12/2022 – 01/2025. Researcher (RTDa). Chemistry Department, University of Florence, Italy.
06/2016 – 12/2022. PostDoc (Marie Curie Fellow): Laboratory for Soft Materials and Interfaces, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Group Leader: Prof. Lucio Isa.
10/2018 – 04/2019. PostDoc: UMR 8640 PASTEUR, Chemistry Department, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. Group Leader: Prof. Damien Baigl.
2018. PhD in Physical and Analytical Chemistry (Ecole Doctorale 388), UMR 8640 PASTEUR, Chemistry Department, Ecole Normale Supérieure e Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. Thesis: Interface-driven soft matter systems: from 2D particle crystallization and light-responsive assemblies to magnet-guided fluid transport. Supervisor: Prof. Damien Baigl.
2015. Master Degree in Photochemistry and Molecular Materials, Università “Alma Mater Studiorum”, Bologna, Italy. Thesis: Synthesis and characterization of rigid photoactive tetra(azobenzene)methane compounds. Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Credi.
2013. Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy. Thesis: Characterization of the binary system gelatine in aqueous solution. Supervisor: Prof. Camillo La Mesa.
Financed research projects:
2025. Rita Levi Montalcini research fellowship. Funding: 270'678.82€, for a duration of 3 years.
2022. Avviso 247 Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca. Funding for MSCA winners to be employed as researcher (RTDa). Funding: 299’600€, for a duration of 3 years.
2021. Young Investigator Training Programme. Award (3'000 €) funded by ACRI (associazione di fondazioni e di casse di risparmio) to work for one month in an Italian Research Centre.
2020. Marie Curie Individual Fellowship "PhotoSoftMat", funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement 888076. Funding: 191’149 €, for a duration of 2 years.
2019. "Spark" fellowship funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), project number CRSK-2_190735 / 1. Funding: 98’604 CHF (c.a. 98'245 €), for a duration of 9 months. Co-responsible together with Dr. Fabio Grillo.
Best oral award at Italian Soft Days conference, Bari, Italy, 2022.
Poster prize at the “Designer Soft Matter” conference, Singapore, 2018.
Soft Matter Poster prize at the 91st annual meeting of the American Chemical Society Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, New York, US, 2017.
Crowding effects on the structure and rheology of ultrasoft PNIPAM-PEGMA copolymer microgels
- Gavino Bassu - Jacopo Vialetto - Ruiz-Franco J. - Scotti A. - Houston J.E. - Mata J. - Zaccarelli E. - Marco LauratiModulating the conformation of microgels by complexation with inorganic nanoparticles
- Jacopo Vialetto - Ramakrishna S.N. - Stock S. - von Klitzing R. - Isa L.Effect of particle stiffness and surface properties on the non-linear viscoelasticity of dense microgel suspensions
- Jacopo Vialetto - Ramakrishna S.N. - Isa L. - Marco LauratiVersatile Deposition of Complex Colloidal Assemblies from the Evaporation of Hanging Drops
- Jacopo Vialetto - Gaichies T. - Rudiuk S. - Morel M. - Baigl D.Tuning Electrostatic Interactions of Colloidal Particles at Oil-Water Interfaces with Organic Salts
- Van Baalen C. - Jacopo Vialetto - Isa L.Exploring the 3D Conformation of Hard-Core Soft-Shell Particles Adsorbed at a Fluid Interface
- Jacopo Vialetto - Camerin F. - Ramakrishna S.N. - Zaccarelli E. - Isa L.Effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas
- Ulbrich J.A. - Fernández-Rico C. - Rost B. - Jacopo Vialetto - Isa L. - Urbach J.S. - Dullens R.P.A.Consorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
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