Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Gavino Bassu

PhD Students @ Firenze

Personal information

Position: PhD Students


Phone: +39 055 4573012

Location: Firenze



Crowding effects on the structure and rheology of ultrasoft PNIPAM-PEGMA copolymer microgels

- Gavino Bassu - Jacopo Vialetto - Ruiz-Franco J. - Scotti A. - Houston J.E. - Mata J. - Zaccarelli E. - Marco Laurati
Soft Matter

Link between permanent shear-banding and local concentration fluctuations in suspensions of compressible microgels

- Gavino Bassu - Houston J.E. - Lara-Peña M.A. - Kriegs H. - Lettinga M.P. - Porcar L. - Scotti A. - Marco Laurati
Physics of Fluids

Dehydration analysis of poly-ethylene glycol hydrogels with terahertz imaging

- Baines D.K. - Gavino Bassu - Wright K. - Douglas T.E.L. - Degl’Innocenti R. - Marco Laurati - Lin H.
Hyperspectral/Multispectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment in Proceedings Optica Sensing Congress 2023, AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES - Part of Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2023

Dehydration analysis of poly-ethylene glycol hydrogels with terahertz imaging

- Baines D.K. - Gavino Bassu - Wright K. - Douglas T.E.L. - Innocenti R.D. - Marco Laurati - Lin H.
Applied Industrial Spectroscopy in Proceedings Optica Sensing Congress 2023, AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES 2023

Dehydration analysis of poly-ethylene glycol hydrogels with terahertz imaging

- Baines D.K. - Gavino Bassu - Wright K. - Douglas T.E.L. - Degl’Innocenti R. - Marco Laurati - Lin H.
Optical Sensors: Proceedings Optica Sensing Congress 2023, AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES 2023

2-Butanol Aqueous Solutions: A Combined Molecular Dynamics and Small/Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering Study

- Macchiagodena M. - Gavino Bassu - Vettori I. - Emiliano Fratini - Procacci P. - Pagliai M.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A

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