Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Tailoring the properties of castor oil polyurethanes organogels with green oligoesters
- Damiano Bandelli - Rosangela Mastrangelo - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniThe GREENART Project: Environmentally Friendly and Low Impact Materials for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
- David Chelazzi - Giovanna Poggi - Piero BaglioniTuning Local Order in Starch Nanoparticles Exploiting Nonsolvency with “Green” Solvents
- Casini A. - Casagli M. - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniNew sustainable polymers and oligomers for Cultural Heritage conservation
- Damiano Bandelli - Rosangela Mastrangelo - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniA Reply to ‘A Note of Caution on the Use of Calcium Nanoparticle Dispersions as Deacidifying Agents’
- Piero Baglioni - David Chelazzi - Rodorico Giorgi - Giovanna PoggiCrystal engineering of high explosives through lone pair-π interactions: Insights for improving thermal safety
- Savastano M. - López de la Torre M.D. - Pagliai M. - Giovanna Poggi - Francesca Ridi - Bazzicalupi C. - Melguizo M. - Antonio BianchiNanostructured bio-based castor oil organogels for the cleaning of artworks
- Giovanna Poggi - Santan H.D. - Smets J. - David Chelazzi - Noferini D. - Petruzzellis M.L. - Pensabene Buemi L. - Emiliano Fratini - Piero BaglioniProtective Coatings Based on Cellulose Nanofibrils, Cellulose Nanocrystals, and Lignin Nanoparticles for the Conservation of Cellulosic Artifacts
- Camargos C.H.M. - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero Baglioni - Rezende C.A.Strategies to mitigate the synergistic effects of moist-heat aging on TEMPO-oxidized nanocellulose
- Camargos C.H.M. - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero Baglioni - Rezende C.A.Nanostructured fluids confined into Highly Viscous Polymeric Dispersions as cleaning tools for artifacts: A rheological, SAXS, DSC and TOF-SIMS study
- Emiliano Carretti - Giovanna Poggi - Ghelardi E. - Francesca Porpora - Agnese Magnani - Emiliano Fratini - Luigi Dei - Marco ConsumipH-Controlled assembly of polyelectrolyte layers on silica nanoparticles in concentrated suspension
- Kolman K. - Giovanna Poggi - Michele Baglioni - David Chelazzi - Piero Baglioni - Persson M. - Holmberg K. - Bordes R.Mechanical response and yielding transition of silk-fibroin and silk-fibroin/cellulose nanocrystals composite gels
- Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Marco LauratiThe kinetic of calcium silicate hydrate formation from silica and calcium hydroxide nanoparticles
- Rachel Camerini - Giovanna Poggi - Francesca Ridi - Piero BaglioniPolyvinyl alcohol and allyl α, α'-trehalose copolymers for a sustainable strengthening of degraded paper
- Giovanna Poggi - Papacchini A. - Baracani S. - Cappitti A. - Marini G. - Marrini M. - Rodorico Giorgi - Antonella SalviniHybrid fibroin-nanocellulose composites for the consolidation of aged and historical silk
- Cianci C. - David Chelazzi - Giovanna Poggi - Modi F. - Rodorico Giorgi - Marco LauratiAn ancient egyptian multilayered polychrome wooden sculpture belonging to the museo egizio of torino: Characterization of painting materials and design of cleaning processes by means of highly retentive hydrogels
- Manfredda N. - Buscaglia P. - Gallo P. - Borla M. - Aicardi S. - Giovanna Poggi - Piero Baglioni - Nervo M. - Scalarone D. - Borghi A. - Re A. - Guidorzi L. - Lo Giudice A.Advanced materials in cultural heritage conservation
- Michele Baglioni - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Piero BaglioniSelective removal of over-paintings from “Street Art” using an environmentally friendly nanostructured fluid loaded in highly retentive hydrogels
- Michele Baglioni - Giovanna Poggi - Rodorico Giorgi - Rivella P. - Ogura T. - Piero BaglioniPreventing colour fading in artworks with graphene veils
- Kotsidi M. - Gorgolis G. - Pastore Carbone M.G. - Anagnostopoulos G. - Paterakis G. - Giovanna Poggi - Manikas A. - Trakakis G. - Piero Baglioni - Galiotis C.Photopolymerizable pullulan: Synthesis, self-assembly and inkjet printing
- Giulia Mugnaini - Claudio Resta - Giovanna Poggi - Massimo BoniniNanomaterials for combined stabilisation and deacidification of cellulosic materials—the case of iron-tannate dyed cotton
- Palladino N. - Hacke M. - Giovanna Poggi - Nechyporchuk O. - Kolman K. - Xu Q. - Persson M. - Rodorico Giorgi - Holmberg K. - Piero Baglioni - Bordes R.Detection of acidic paper recovery after alkaline nanoparticle treatment by 2D NMR relaxometry
- Giovanna Poggi - Parmentier A. - Nourinaeini S. - De Luca F.Reconditioning acidic and artificially aged cellulose with alkaline nanoparticles: an NMR diffusometry study
- Nourinaeini S. - Giovanna Poggi - Parmentier A. - Rogati G. - Piero Baglioni - De Luca F.Spotting aged dyes on paper with SERS
- Zoleo A. - Rossi C. - Giovanna Poggi - Rossi M. - Meneghetti M. - Piero BaglioniTwin-chain polymer hydrogels based on poly(vinyl alcohol) as new advanced tool for the cleaning of modern and contemporary art
- Rosangela Mastrangelo - David Chelazzi - Giovanna Poggi - Emiliano Fratini - Buemi L.P. - Petruzzellis M.L. - Piero BaglioniErratum: Twin-chain polymer hydrogels based on poly(vinyl alcohol) as new advanced tool for the cleaning of modern and contemporary art (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(2020)117(7011–7020)Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1
- Rosangela Mastrangelo - David Chelazzi - Giovanna Poggi - Emiliano Fratini - Buemi L.P. - Petruzzellis M.L. - Piero BaglioniAssessment of aqueous cleaning of acrylic paints using innovative cryogels
- Cardaba I. - Giovanna Poggi - Michele Baglioni - David Chelazzi - Maguregui I. - Rodorico GiorgiGrafted nanocellulose and alkaline nanoparticles for the strengthening and deacidification of cellulosic artworks
- Xu Q. - Giovanna Poggi - Claudio Resta - Michele Baglioni - Piero BaglioniPoly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) hydrogels for the cleaning of art
- Bonelli N. - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniThe carbonation kinetics of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles: A Boundary Nucleation and Growth description
- Rachel Camerini - Giovanna Poggi - David Chelazzi - Francesca Ridi - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniStructural, rheological and dynamics insights of hydroxypropyl guar gel-like systems
- Berlangieri C. - Giovanna Poggi - Sergio Murgia - Maura Monduzzi - Luigi Dei - Emiliano CarrettiA Triton X-100-based microemulsion for the removal of hydrophobic materials fromworks of art: SAXS characterization and application
- Michele Baglioni - Giovanna Poggi - Ciolli G. - Emiliano Fratini - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniNanostructured fluids for the removal of graffiti – A survey on 17 commercial spray-can paints
- Michele Baglioni - Giovanna Poggi - Yareli Jaidar - Martínez Camacho F. - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniAlcoholic nanolime dispersion obtained by the insolubilisation-precipitation method and its application for the deacidification of ancient paper
- Bastone S. - Chillura Martino D.F. - Renda V. - Saladino M.L. - Giovanna Poggi - Caponetti E.A stabilizer-free non-polar dispersion for the deacidification of contemporary art on paper
- Giovanna Poggi - Rodorico Giorgi - Mirabile A. - Xing H. - Piero BaglioniTwo-phase water model in the cellulose network of paper
- Conti A. - Palombo M. - Parmentier A. - Giovanna Poggi - Piero Baglioni - De Luca F.Innovative chemical gels meet enzymes: A smart combination for cleaning paper artworks
- Claudia Mazzuca - Giovanna Poggi - Bonelli N. - Laura Micheli - Piero Baglioni - Antonio PalleschiAlkaline nanoparticles for the deacidification and pH control of books and manuscripts
- Piero Baglioni - David Chelazzi - Rodorico Giorgi - Xing H. - Giovanna PoggiCalcium hydroxide nanoparticles in hydroalcoholic gelatin solutions (GeolNan) for the deacidification and strengthening of papers containing iron gall ink
- Giovanna Poggi - Sistach M. - Marin E. - Garcia J. - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniCalcium hydroxide nanoparticles from solvothermal reaction for the deacidification of degraded waterlogged wood
- Giovanna Poggi - Toccafondi N. - David Chelazzi - Patrizia Canton - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniNanomaterials for the cleaning and pH adjustment of vegetable-tanned leather
- Michele Baglioni - Bartoletti A. - Bozec L. - David Chelazzi - Rodorico Giorgi - Odlyha M. - Pianorsi D. - Giovanna Poggi - Piero BaglioniCalcium hydroxide nanoparticles for the conservation of cultural heritage: New formulations for the deacidification of cellulose-based artifacts
- Giovanna Poggi - Toccafondi N. - Melita L. - Knowles J. - Bozec L. - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniOn the macromolecular cellulosic network of paper: Changes induced by acid hydrolysis studied by NMR diffusometry and relaxometry
- Conti A. - Giovanna Poggi - Piero Baglioni - De Luca F.Hydroxide nanoparticles for cultural heritage: Consolidation and protection of wall paintings and carbonate materials
- David Chelazzi - Giovanna Poggi - Yareli Jaidar - Toccafondi N. - Rodorico Giorgi - Piero BaglioniColloid and materials science for the conservation of cultural heritage: Cleaning, consolidation, and deacidification
- Piero Baglioni - David Chelazzi - Rodorico Giorgi - Giovanna PoggiInteractions between nanostructured calcium hydroxide and acrylate copolymers: Implications in cultural heritage conservation
- Emiliano Carretti - David Chelazzi - Rocchigiani G. - Piero Baglioni - Giovanna Poggi - Luigi DeiAlkaline earth hydroxide nanoparticles for the inhibition of metal gall ink corrosion
- Giovanna Poggi - Piero Baglioni - Rodorico GiorgiHydroxide nanoparticles for deacidification and concomitant inhibition of iron-gall ink corrosion of paper
- Giovanna Poggi - Rodorico Giorgi - Toccafondi N. - Katzur V. - Piero Baglioni